Baldwin Bird

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A terrific bird toy your children will love. Created using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body, then use templates to make arms and legs.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
1 of 20
Bert Bat

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
This spooky bat toy is perfect for halloween. Create a tube for the body using Addi-Express knitting machine, then use templates for ears and wings.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
2 of 20
Cathy Caterpillar

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
This cuddly caterpillar toy looks so snuggly cute. Made using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body, then templates for face and feet.
Yarn weight
Skill level Intermediate
3 of 20
Donnie Diver

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
This delightful toy is as cute as can be ! Created using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body, then adding legs, arms and goggles using templates.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
4 of 20
Ellie Elephant

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A super-sweet toy created using Addi-Express knitting machine. Create a knit tube for the body, then use the templates for making ears and eyes.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
5 of 20
Erica Angel

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
An elegant angel toy perfect for the top of your Christmas tree. Created using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body with wings and head using templates from the book.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
6 of 20
Freddie Frog

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
Ribbit. Ribbit ! This fabulous frog toy will become a favourite with your children. Easy to make using Addi-Express knitting machine.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
7 of 20
Giselle Giraffe

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A unique giraffe toy created using Addi-Express knitting machine and Addi Quick Felting machine for spots on the giraffe's body.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
8 of 20
Kitty Cat

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A charming cat toy made using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body with ears and face using templates from the book.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
9 of 20
Louis Lion

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
This cute lion toy has been created using Addi-Express knitting machine. Create a tube for the body then use templates to add feet and face.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
10 of 20
Mike Monster

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A scary monster to add to the bat and spider toys, created using Addi Express knitting machine for the body, then adding arms and legs using the templates in the book.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
11 of 20
Neil St.Nick

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
This funky Father Christmas toy will add fun to your Christmas decorations. Created using Addi Express knitting machine.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
12 of 20
Penny Piglet

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A quirky blush-pink pig toy will delight your little ones. Created using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body, then adding tail, legs and snout using templates.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
13 of 20
Reuben Rabbit

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
An irresistable rabbit toy made using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body with ears and face using templates.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
14 of 20
Rudy Raven

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
What a hoot ! This fabulous toy bird will bring fun to any playroom. Make this using Addi-Express knitting machine for the body, then add legs, face and wings using templates.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
15 of 20
Sam & Sal The Snail Twins

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
Easy to make snail toys using Addi-Express knitting machine to create body and shell, then templates for nose and tentacles.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
16 of 20
Sonny Snowman

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
This cute snowman toy will be a fabulous addition to your Christmas decorations this year. Created using Addi Express kntting machine.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
17 of 20
Susie Spider

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A spider toy, perfect for halloween, which can hang upside down from the ceiling. Created using Addi-Express knitting machine then using templates to add legs and face.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
18 of 20
Victor Vulture

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
Toy bird created using Addi-Express knitting machine. Knit the tube body then complete by using templates for feet and beak.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
19 of 20
Zach Zebra

addi Express Book The Woolly Family 976-0

Hurry, only 4 left in stock

RRP £15.30 Price: £12.20
Free shipping over £50 | Delivery 2-3 days
mastercard, visa, electron, maestro, jcb, worldpay, paypal
A super zebra toy created using Addi-Express knitting machine and Addi Quick Felting machine for stripes on the zebra's body.
Yarn weight
Skill level Beginner
20 of 20