Knitting Needles and Crochet Hooks

At Laughing Hens, we offer a wide range of high-quality knitting needles to suit every project and skill level. You'll find everything you need to craft with confidence and precision. From smooth bamboo and lightweight aluminum to durable stainless steel, our collection features options for every style and technique. With Laughing Hens, you get trusted brands and a seamless shopping experience tailored to your passion for knitting. 

Need help with choosing the correct knitting needle size? See our Knitting Needle Size Conversion Chart below for Metric, US and UK sizes.

Whatever your project we have the right knitting needles and crochet hooks for the job. Using the filters you can browse by brand, such as Addi, Brittany, Pony, material (metal, wood, bamboo, etc.) or type, for example, single-pointed, circular, crochet hooks.

If you’re looking to treat yourself or a fellow yarn crafter then our ‘sets’, which are available in an assortment of colors, finishes, and materials, make thoughtful and relevant gifts.

Favorite knitting needle searches:

Addi Needles

Lykke Needles

Circular Needles

Items 6
Items 6

Knitting Needle Conversion Chart

Knitting Needle Size Conversion Chart for Metric, US and UK sizes. Use this chart to choose the right knitting needle size for your project in the list below.

Metric Sizes (mm) UK Sizes US Sizes
2.0 14 0
2.25 - -
2.5 13 1
2.75 12 -
3.0 11 2
3.25 10 3
3.5 - 4
3.75 9 5
4.0 8 6
4.5 7 7
5.0 6 8
5.5 5.5 9
6.0 4 10
7.0 2 10.75
8.0 0 11
10.0 000 15
12.0 - 17

We also stock a range of nifty accessories that help to make each of your projects a success. Check out our collection of yarn and skein winders, row counters, stich markers, and other knitting and crochet notions.