Addi knitting needles

Addi knitting needles have been popular for many years, and they’ve even been described as “luxury for your hands”. Addi have been manufacturing for 190 years. This means premium products with perfect connections, flexible cords and smooth, light, tips. These needles are designed with you and your needs in mind, which is why they’re such a pleasure to knit with. We have a wide range of needles and hooks from their collection, including circular, single-pointed and double-pointed needles and Tunisian crochet hooks in a variety of sizes. Have you tried the revolutionary addiCraSyTrio or ergonomic Swing crochet hook?

We supply knitting needles in a range of materials such as bamboo, wood, metal and plastic so you can find the ones that are comfortable for you.

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Choose Addi knitting needles for your project

Addi knitting needles and crochet hooks have been used by craft enthusiasts for nearly 200 years. Their experience with making quality needles means they know how to create knitting and crochet equipment that’s comfortable, easy to use and affordable too.

If you’re buying your first ever pair of needles, you’re in safe hands with Addi as they have something for every project.  We don’t just supply needles from Addi; we have stitch markers, gauges and other accessories from this much-loved brand too.

See our huge range of knitting wool and put your new Addi needles to good use!